Tag Archives: Poisson d’Avril

Make your own chocolate fish for Poisson D’Avril

In France, April 1st is known as “Poisson D’Avril” which translates to  “April Fish.” Much like April Fool’s Day, pranks are rampant, and on Poisson D’Avril the goal is to tape a paper fish to the back of an unsuspecting person. It also means that there is a proliferation of all things fish. Chocolate fish are one particularly popular option, and can be found in stores throughout France. Making your own chocolate fish at home is super easy – AllRecipes has a detailed guide. Aside from the chocolate, all you need is a fish-shaped candy mold (there are tons of options). The Spruce has a recipe for molded chocolates filled with chocolate ganache for even more fun.

Chocolate Fish by Caliparisien

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(Chocolate) Pesce d’Aprile for April Fools’ Day

ItalyOur favorite April Fools’ tradition is the French Poisson d’Avril (April fish), where you are supposed to go around taping paper fish on the backs of friends and acquaintances. We learned that Italy has their own version of this holiday, Il Pesce d’Aprile! However, in both countries, the “fish” means the appearance of fish-shaped chocolate as well. Of course we approve of any holiday where chocolate eating is sanctioned.


Poisson D’Avril by ParisSharing

L’hai visto? (Have you seen him?)
Chi? (Who?)
Il pesce d’Aprile! (The April fish/fool!)

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April Fool’s Day in France: Poisson d’Avril

ChocoFishIn France, April 1st is a day of fun and pranks, much like April Fools. French festivities are known as Poisson d’Avril (April fish), where you are supposed to go around taping paper fish on the backs of friends and acquaintances. However, it is also a day for chocolate fish! These on the right are from Jean-Paul Hévin. The blog Paris Breakfasts has an extensive photo-essay of the wonderful fish-shaped tricks and treats in Paris this April 1st.


Filed under Holidays, World Eats